Asia Clean Tech Energy Investments
Asia-Pacific clean energy direct investments advisor dedicated to the acceleration of decarbonisation and the energy transition
Asia Clean Tech Energy Investments (aCTEi) identifies, evaluates, and structures direct investments in clean energy projects and clean tech companies involved in technologies including biomass, geothermal, hybrid systems, hydro (small and mid-sized), green hydrogen, ocean energy (tidal, wave etc.), solar, and wind. aCTEi also advises on topics related to climate business, finance and risk as well as corporate transition strategies.

Bougie Impact Capital Ltd. (B.I.C.) is a sister company of aCTEi . It is a single family-office managing a diversified portfolio comprised of Asian and European high investment grade fixed income, blue chip equities, and real estate assets.

Asia Clean Tech Investments Co. Ltd. and Bougie Impact Investment Ltd. are registered and have offices in the Hong Kong S.A.R. as well as operations in the European Union.